Introduction to the CRNL Inaugural Meeting

The Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL)  has been created in January 2011. Its major goal is to understand brain functions at multiple scales, from the molecular and cellular levels up to human behavior and cognition.

The CRNL integrates the multidisciplinary expertise of 11 teams, ~350 members (researchers, faculties, clinicians, technicians/engineers, students) stemming from INSERM, CNRS and University Lyon 1 laboratories) making possible a synergistic approach on such a multi-scale and integrated research on the brain and its disorders. Thanks to an important participation of clinician-researchers, its major objective is also to foster a translational research, oriented towards the patients, with reciprocal exchanges between conceptual basic advances and clinical challenges in neurology and psychiatry. In brief, the CRNL goal is “a better understanding for a better healthcare”.

In 2015-2016, almost all the teams will be located on the NeuroCampus of Lyon, next to major hospitals: the Neurological, Mother-Child, and Psychiatric Hospitals. On this unique site combining basic research, clinical research, healthcare, and high-tech platforms (including an exceptional palette of neuroimaging facilities), a 4500 m2 building will be dedicated to the CRNL teams. This project is strongly supported by the Conseil Général du Rhône, the Rhône-Alpes Region, the Grand Lyon, and the French Government. This concentration of basic and clinical research will contribute to the development of a Pole of excellence in Neuroscience that will increase the international visibility and attractiveness of Lyon.

To celebrate its creation and its first advances, the CRNL organizes

an Inaugural Meeting in Lyon on September 25-26, 2012

During the opening session (in French), we will have the opportunity to give an overview of the CRNL organization and projects, including the Neurocampus project. It will be followed by and official address from our Institutions and Partners. Finally a demonstration of a new brain-computer interface will be presented.

The program will continue with the First International CRNL Meeting (in English) which will combine high level scientific discussions with a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This will be an opportunity to share ideas and data on state of the art brain research and to initiate future exchanges and collaborations.

This Meeting  includes four Symposia covering a large spectrum of our research areas, involving invited speakers and members of the CRNL:

-        From the molecule to pathology

-        Sleep and altered states of consciousness

-        Perception, memory, attention, and cognition

-        Neural plasticity and new therapeutic approaches

and Parallel Sessions (Popular neuroscience sessions) in French for everyone.

Welcome and enjoy the meeting !

Olivier Bertrand, CRNL Director

We thank the sponsors who have joined the Inaugural Meeting of the CRNL
for their financial support


CRNL Affiliations

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